Filing a claim is important in getting compensated after an accident or injury. When most people are familiar with a regular car accident or any personal injury claim, accidents involve more moving parts, making the procedure more complicated than an accident involving a privately owned vehicle.
Typically there are other parties involved in truck accidents, from the insurance companies to business owners, and such cases need to be handled more cautiously.
To better understand the various types of accident claims, review the information we have provided below, or you can take the help of a personal injury attorney in Newport Beach.
Kinds of accidents
Classification of the accident based on the location
Domestic accidents occur at home or in their immediate surroundings, and generally, they are not connected to traffic vehicles or sports. For instance, cut, slip, trip, fall, electric shock, etc. Hire a personal injury attorney in Costa Mesa to understand the classifications and their remedies better.
Industrial accident
According to the factories act 1948, this is an occurrence in an industrial establishment causing bodily injuries to the person who makes him unfit to resume duties in the next 48 hours.
Road traffic accident
This defines a road traffic accident as a collision involving a vehicle on the road or in a public area that has caused any injury or damage to a person, animal, or any other vehicle or property. A car accident lawyer in Newport Beach can help you with the settlement procedure.
Air transport accident
It is an accident that involves air transport resulting the property damage, injury, loss of life, etc.
Water transport accident
It is an accident that involves water transport to property damage, loss of life, injury, etc.
Classification based on the occupation
Occupational Accident
A workplace accident, occupational accident, or any accident at the workplace is a discrete event in the course of the work, leading to mental or physical injury.
Non- occupational accident
It is an accident that occurred outside the course of the work. For a better understanding, take the help of a personal injury attorney in Irvine.
Another type of accident classification
Physical and non-physical
Physical examples of accidents include unintentional motor vehicle collisions or falls and being injured by touching something sharp, dropping a plate, kicking the leg of the chair while walking, unintentionally revealing the secret otherwise presenting things incorrectly, accidental detection of data, forgetting an appointment, etc.
Accidents by activity
Accidents during the execution of the work or arising out of it, are called work accidents. According to the international labor organization, more than 337 million deaths occur annually, resulting in more than 2.3 million deaths from occupational disease. A personal injury lawyer in Irvine can help you navigate through such a harrowing situation, so make sure you consult one as soon as you get involved.
Medical negligence accidents
Practicing physicians must have malpractice insurance precisely to cover themselves in the case of medical negligence. This category covers the wide spectrum of accidents in the hospital or under the physician’s care. This is crucial to be aware that if you suffer a personal or emotional injury during the treatment at the health facility, you may have the right to be compensated.
Depending on the nature of the case, you may be using either the medical facility you were in, that particular doctor who has treated you, or the company in charge of the particular aspect of the medical area. Medical negligence also includes negligence on the part of the company which builds faulty medical equipment. You can ask a personal injury lawyer in Newport beach to understand the implications and how you must move forward.
Accident by vehicle
An accident by vehicle takes while the bus, truck, car, or any other motorized vehicle hits any other vehicle, person or object, such as a power pole or a tree.
When the person is in a car accident, they may be held liable for any damages or injuries that occur. A truck accident attorney in Newport Beach can help you get the right compensation.
Call us Today
Apart from the tips cited above, there are many other instances when you require a lawyer to aid and function as a negotiator or represent you in the case of a conflict and medical compensation. Before hiring an attorney, you must dodge fakers and scammers. You can contact Castro & Co. to hire a motorcycle accident lawyer in Newport Beach whom you can trust and rely on. For details, you can contact our law offices to set up an appointment.